How Long Does SEO Take To Work On A New Website?

As a business owner using a digital marketing platform, you may often wonder, how long does it take to rank number one on Google for the keywords you use? The answer is not that simple, because the question is not really the right question. In fact, this question is more applicable to past SEO practices than current SEO practices.

New SEO vs Old SEO

In the old SEO practice, the strategy used is to identify specific keywords that best suit your business, then get the most traffic by minimizing competition on search engines. Just by knowing a few golden keywords, you can already bring in most of the traffic to your website.

But unfortunately, many people are still stuck with this paradigm. In fact, in new SEO practices, the use of golden keywords is no longer relevant. This is because the more new websites that appear, the more people will target the same keywords as your golden keywords. This means that if you focus on just a few generic keywords, your website will likely be harder to find in search engines.

The Importance of Doing Proper Keyword Research

Whereas in the new SEO practice, instead of using short keywords consisting of only two or three words, people often use keywords that are more similar to natural pronunciation to perform searches. This is because more and more people are now using tools like Siri and Google Now to perform their searches instead of typing them in themselves.

Also, people tend to include more details in the searches they type in order to find faster and more accurate results. This is what makes the use of long tail keywords easier for your website to enter the top rankings. Because the more specific the keywords you use, the more relevant they will be and the less competition there will be.

How Long Does SEO Take To Get Started?

Basically, the main practice of SEO is not to get your website in the top searches, but to drive traffic and generate sales. While ranking is important, it’s not a metric you should focus on. Getting ranked is just the output that SEO produces to drive more people to easily find your website.

So what you should be asking is not how long does it take for SEO to get to the top rankings, but how long does it take for SEO to start generating leads and sales?

Well, to find out the answer, it depends on how long your website has been around, how many SEO practices you have put in place, what your website looks like, how much content you have created, and various other SEO factors. To take a closer look, here’s a scenario of how SEO starts to work until it leads to the end result you want.

  • Month 1: Doing research, conducting website audits, determining keyword strategies, and planning. If the research can be done quickly, then making technical changes to the website can be done immediately from the first month.
  • Month 2: Started technical SEO work, namely by modifying the website based on the audit results. In some cases, websites that require a lot of overhaul can take months. In this process, SEO practices have started to be carried out, but you have not been able to see the results of their work.
  • Month 3: The focus of content creation begins with expanding blog activities, publishing articles, listing product information, and so on. At this stage, ideally you should be able to see an increase in website rankings at the end of the month.
  • Month 4: Advanced content creation, website technical optimization, and healthy link profile development. This month, you can see a more noticeable increase in your rankings, traffic, and lead generation.
  • Month 5: In this month, you can take advantage of using social media to amplify content and increase traffic to your website. As you continue to create content, you will see more and more traffic generated from SEO and sales prospects will increase automatically.
  • Month 6: If by this point your website traffic has reached 5,000 visitors or more per month, your next effort is to increase the traffic into sales leads. From now on, the activity you need to do is focus on creating content and how to promote it.

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